The Federal Auditor General, which has audited 117 federal offices and 35 branch offices, has identified 7.4 billion Br worth of overdue accounts receivable from the 2019/20 fiscal year. Some 90 offices were found to be guilty of the mishap with just four government institutions responsible for over half of the amount. The National Disaster Risk Management Commission has 1.9 billion Br in overdue accounts receivable, 1.5 billion Br from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Innovation & Technology has 614 million, and the Ministry of Science & Higher Education is sitting on 402 million Br. In addition, three offices were found to have uncollected advance payments from contractors amounting to 106.7 million Br. The auditor's report added that federal offices have 2.4 billion Br in unsettled collectable amounts that have remained outstanding for between one and five years; and 1.02 billion Br from five to ten years. The report states that the accumulation of these uncollected incomes would further tighten the chances of finalising collection. It advises the federal offices to collect receivables and settle them according to the law.