Feb 22 , 2020
The Amhara Regional State has launched a Clean Water & Health Care (COWASH) project, with close to 2.3 billion Br. The program, which was launched on February 19, 2020, is expected to benefit 1,394 small institutions including 320 health institutions and 360 schools, gain access to water. The COWASH (Community-Led Accelerated WASH) project has been jointly owned by the Finnish and Ethiopian governments for the past 25 years. Recently the project secured 1.3 billion Br in financing. The governments of Ethiopia and Finland have agreed to cover 700 million and 644 million Br of the finances, respectively. The program is currently being executed in 76 weredas across five regional states. The project will also be launched in Oromia, SNNP, and in Benishagul Gumz next year.