The Central Statistical Agency (CSA) has launched an Integrated Management Information System, which will provide aggregated statistical information, during an event held at Liesak Resort in Bishoftu last week. The new system was developed in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund. The System is expected to provide aggregated statistical information from a single database that is readily available through a user-friendly interface, according to Asalfew Abera, deputy director at the CSA. It has already been implemented in offices in the Amhara, Tigray, Benishangul-Gumuz, Afar, and Southern Nations, Nationalities & People's regional states. The Agency also carried out training on the use of the new system for the offices in the federal, regional and city administration levels of government, which are expected to implement it. The Agency, which collects and compiles data from sample surveys, censuses and administrative records, also provides technical guidance and assistance to government agencies, institutions and individuals in administrative recording, registration and reporting systems.