Mar 18 , 2023
Members of African states pledged to nuclear energy accession following the five-day conference held in the capital. One of the foreseen endorsements is the establishment National Steering Committee. Public-Private Partnership initiation was also recommended for the lack of bankable nuclear-energy projects to attract funding and for the lack of exploitation of multilateral and bilateral cooperation between governments. The Ministry of Innovation and the International Atomic energy Agency finalised recommendations for the road map of Nuclear energy accession across the African member states at the conference held at Inter-Luxury hotel last week. The intergovernmental agreement between member states (AFRA) also recommended a Nuclear law, under a strategic well established regulatory authority, to solve the delay in the incompleteness and promulgation of nuclear laws and regulations. The non-existent or expiring Country Program Framework, as well as a non-submission of the country's annual report, has been a challenge for some African countries. Increasing the partnership between institutions and UNDP for procurement procedures has been recommended for there has been a delay in procurement from the Agency, according to National Liason Officer for Nigeria, Yusuf Ahmed.