Addis Abeba Ranks Low in Global Habitability Standards

Aug 26 , 2023

Poverty, low system delivery and unconventional geopolitical locations have made habitation in Addis Abeba fragmented and inadequate, according to a study conducted by the African Cities Research Consortium (ACRC) and presented at the Hilton Hotel last week. The study was organised in partnership with the Forum for Social Studies (FSS). "It's one of the lowest in a global standard," said Tegegn Gebregzabher (Prof), a researcher at ACRC. The conflation of a poor electric grid and constant power outages (92pc), restricted transportation options, an underdeveloped road network at 3761kms with a road density of 13pc, and a total urban space of less than 10pc push the city's standing near the bottom of the global rankings in terms of habitability. The transportation system capacitates only half of the daily journeys where the current motorisation rate stands at 130 vehicles per 1,000 people. The report also shows that nearly 1.7 million people, 34pc of the city's residents, have a severe shortage of water supply receiving water in periodic shifts up to three days a week. Areas such as Gulele, Kolfe Keranio, Addis Ketema, and Arada were cited as districts where water shortage is prevalent. Overall health coverage stands around 76pc with most health facilities suffering from inadequate infrastructure, and shortages of medical supplies. In terms of education, the literacy rate stands at 80pc, where 20pc of the city's residents have at least completed a secondary level of education. Private educational institutions accounted for 76pc of KGs, 61pc of primary schools, 46pc of secondary schools, 51pc of preparatory schools, 50pc of TVETs, and 91pc of higher facilities. Sanitation is also a challenge where only 58.8pc of the city's residents live in poor sanitation and 80pc of residents live in slum areas with poor sanitation. The report also shows that 25pc of the generated waste is dumped without proper sorting mechanisms.


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