“I hope I will never have to miss out on a soccer game ever again.”

Suffering from a meniscus tear in his right knee due to an accident as a 60-year-old patient, Marty Curry’s life had been through a great deal of change.

Orthopedic diseases affect the life quality of a patient at a great level, both physically and mentally. As the pain caused by the disease grows, some patients do not even want to leave their homes in order to avoid the possible pain that they can face outside. As the pain becomes chronic at some point, the constant feeling of “being unable” starts to affect one mentally along with the physical damage.

Being the director of an international school in Djibouti and the father of three, 60-year-old Canadian Marty Curry had quite an active life. Shortly after winter break, he had an injury on his right knee. Hoping the pain was not serious and would get lighter with time, he waited out and postponed to have medical support. However, his pain got worse and came to a point where he could not exercise, walk, or even leave his room at school. Being active and into sports for all of his life, this was the worst-case scenario for Curry. Therefore, he decided to consult a physician and figured out about the torn meniscus on his knee.

“From the day I stepped off the plane, up to this moment; it has been an exceptional experience.”

He began to search for a good hospital for his condition and finding out that Acıbadem had quite professional physicians and staff, he decided to come to İstanbul, Turkiye for his surgery. Knowing that Canada, where he is from, has a problem of waiting to get medical services; and in Djibouti, where he lives, had insufficient healthcare technology; he was shocked by the treatment he got in Turkiye.

Associate Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology Dr. Ata Can is a surgeon who specializes in hip and knee prostheses. He is a successful surgeon who has been capable of doing both conventional and robotic surgeries in the Acıbadem healthcare group since 2017. He is working with quite experienced surgeons in his field and has been to the USA for a shoulder fellowship program in 2012.

When Dr. Ata Can examined Curry; he found out that the cartilage in his knee was completely torn due to a traumatic accident. Therefore, he could not use a partial prosthesis method and covered the whole inner cartilage with the prosthesis called Unicondylar prosthesis to repair the damage in the knee. With this method, the healthy parts of the knee remain untouched resulting in a faster recovery period after the surgery.

Now, in the recovery period after completing the surgery on July 26 2024 successfully, he cannot wait to return to his daily routine and be active and involved as a director in his school.

“I was very confident that I was in good hands”

“I think the most important part of this whole process is the medical attention that I received and I cannot say enough about the quality of care that I received. I want to say thank you to Doctor Ata Can, he was there for me every day, checking up on me, and making sure that I was healing, even on the days that he was not scheduled to be working. Every day that I was here, I was very confident that I was in good hands and that I was getting the best possible care.”

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