The recent legislation that puts restrictions on the use, sale and advertisement of alcohol will become effective on May 29, 2019. The law limits the advertisement of drinks with alcoholic content less than 10pc to between the hours of 11:00pm and 6:00am on broadcast media and prohibits alcohol manufacturers from sponsoring holiday events or issuing lottery awards and prizes. The law, which has been in draft legislation for three years, puts various restrictions and limitations on advertisement as well as the sale and use of alcoholic and tobacco products. The regulations span from production and importation to distribution and promotion of these products. Prepared by the Ministry of Health and the Food & Drug Authority, the law sets a new regulatory framework for food, medicine, medical devices, cosmetics, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. It also raises the drinking age from 18 to 21, which will make drinking alcohol for close to 5.5 million additional people illegal.