Mar 16 , 2019
Political parties have signed a code of conduct that sets rules and guidelines for their operation and political activities, as well as to govern the relationship they have between each other. The code of conduct, which was signed last Thursday, March 14, 2019, is binding among the signatories. The signing ceremony was held at Hilton Hotel in the presence of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) and representatives from parties, civil societies and members of academia. The agreement was reached after discussion and deliberations that lasted more than 16 hours organised by the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy. The code that contains 20 articles in three chapters covers issues from public demonstration to the use of media by political parties. The code also establishes a general assembly composed of one representative from each political party, which will be responsible for solving disputes that arise between parties. Out of the total registered 107 parties, over 100 were signatories to the code of conduct document. However, a few parties did not show up at the event. “All the current 107 political parties had agreed upon the code of conduct when it was in discussion,” said Soliana Shemelis, public relations adviser of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia.