TradeMarkAfrica Appoints Hailemariam Desalegn as Board Chair

Sep 8 , 2024

TradeMarkAfrica (TMA) has announced the appointment of Hailemariam Desalegn, former Prime Minister of Ethiopia, as its new Board Chair. Hailemariam will lead TMA as it focuses on increasing African exports, supporting the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), and expanding its operations into Western and Southern Africa. He will work closely with regional economic communities, national institutions, the private sector, and international partners. He succeeds Erastus Mwencha, who served in the role for eight years. Hailemariam's first major task will be to lead the Trade Development Forum (TMA-TDF) in Kigali, Rwanda, on December 2-3, 2024. Co-hosted by TMA and the Government of Rwanda, the forum will address TMA's agenda for Digital Trade in Africa. Hailemariam will oversee TMA’s seven-year strategy (2023-2030), which aims to reduce cross-border transportation costs, enhance market access for SMEs, and improve the value and quality of traded goods. The strategy also focuses on positioning Africa as a leader in green trade, increasing investment in trade infrastructure, and ensuring that trade benefits reach the poorest, especially women and youth.


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