Lemi National Cement plc would like to invite interested consultants to submit technical and financial proposal for International Competitive Bidding (ICB) for Consultancy on reconnaissance/assessment of coal resource, coal exploration, mining feasibility study and strategy aiming to establish coal processing plant.

All applicants are invited to participate by taking the steps mentioned below:

  • Lemi National cement plc invites any interested, qualified, eligible and experienced Firms or Companies to conduct reconnaissance/assessment of coal resource, coal exploration, prepare a detailed coal mining Feasibility Study and strategy to establish coal processing/washing plant. Consultants are invited to submit the proposals either alone or as a consortium.

  • The objectives of the project, scope of the work, evaluation criteria and other details of the project are mentioned in the Terms of Reference (ToR).

  • The consultant is expected to perform all activities to the industry standard. The scope of the work include assessing the coal resource of the country on selected areas, identifying target area & conducting exploration, preparing feasibility study for coal mining and also preparing a strategy for the upcoming coal processing project.
  • Request for the ToR can be made in person in the Procurement office of Lemi National cement plc located at Roosevelt Street, Gidey Gebrehiwot Building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia OR online in writing to the following email: feven.m@leminationalcementplc.com.

  • The proposals shall be submitted as one original technical proposal and one original financial proposal, and the copies of both technical & financial proposals. Each proposal shall be in a separate envelope indicating original or copy, as appropriate enclosed in a wax scaled envelope.
  • The proposal documents shall be submitted in hard copy in the Procurement office at the specified address mentioned above.

  • The bid announcement will be online for 30 Calendar days from the date of announcement. All submitted documents will be opened on the 31 day (if it is a holiday or weekend, the first business day) at 9:30 am local time.
  • All submitted bid documents will be opened in the presence of bidders or the authorized representatives at the Procurement Office.
  • Lemi National Cement plc reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the received proposal documents with or without giving any reason whatsoever.
  • The selection procedure of the consultant will be governed by the prevailing laws of Ethiopia, and the policy of the company. The evaluation criteria and points are described in the TOR.

  • Editors' Pick
