A road sign around Zewditu leans into the main road as if desperately reaching to remind passers of road safety. The Addis Abeba Transport Bureau has recently started to issue tickets to transgressing pedestrians in a last-ditch effort to reign in traffic accidents. The recent nine-month performance review by the capital's transport bureau revealed that around 286 people have died, with the majority being working-age young men. Massive digitization of the road infrastructure has been underway for the past four years, with a smart traffic management centre around Megenagna and self-regulating traffic lights in condensed areas, which has not yet materialized.



A row of seats and plastic water bottles await followers of the Islamic faith for preparatory 'Udu' proceedings around the Bethel area. The closely parked minibus taxis and shops right across also await customers on the cloudy Thursday afternoon. An aesthetic reformation ambitiously being pursued by the City administration will see fewer and fewer cars on the street as parking permits become part of the urban automobile experience. Ample walking and cycling space is p...



A string of snags stretch hundreds of meters alongside the old Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation headquarters. The fresh paint of the building being renovated to house the country's first securities trading floor echoes the spirit of a city high-strung between galloping change and dying customs. Peeking from behind is the row of headquarters for the country's biggest commercial banks towering over a modest landscape. Perhaps emblematic of a financial sector critiqued most recently by the centra...



Fans of Arbaminch Kenema, one of the contenders in the premier league, have gathered in a jubilant atmosphere around the Arat Kilo area. Ethiopia boasts a rich footballing heritage and has been a trailblazer in international competition in Africa, with its inaugural international match dating back to 1947. Despite the fervent support from a sizable fan base, the national team's performance on the pitch has often left much to be desired. In search of solace and excitement, many football enthu...
