Various sports are played late afternoon at the Stadium near Mesqel Square. In a country where soccer reigns as the epicentre of most athletic energy, finding sporting avenues for team activities is often daunting. Urbanites  share small playgrounds scattered about the capital for a panoply of games. The wave of recreational parks built over the past years have become go-to hotspots for most looking for accommodating spaces. With nearly 70pc of the Ethiopian population aged below 29 years old and close to 27pc unemployed youth population, sport provides a constructive channel for outbursts of creative energy.  



A man finds refuge from the impending rain within a weathered cement pipe. Ethiopia's refugee population exceeded one million last year, making it the second-largest host country in Africa, as it continues to open its borders to those seeking asylum and refuge. Meanwhile, at least 4.5 million locals were displaced in the country as of December 2023, due to conflict, violence, drought, and flooding. According to the UNOCHA report, immediate action is crucial to reduce people's vulnerability to pr...



A temporary blood donation centre occupies the sidewalk around Debrezeit Road. Ethiopia faces a marked blood shortage, with only 43pc of the annual requirement of 100,000 units being donated. It has the lowest percentage of voluntary blood donors (VBDs) among the WHO's African member states (22pc), which is incredibly low, according to an article published on Biomed Research. This is primarily due to a low rate of voluntary blood donors (VBDs) and the prevalence of coerced or paid donations. Des...



A queue of commuters waiting for a taxi amidst the city's ailing public transport system. A recent survey reveals widespread dissatisfaction with the lack of availability, affordability, comfort, and safety. Out of nearly 500 residents, over a third of them decried the lack of availability, a fifth fretted over affordability, and an equal number lamented the lack of comfort. Safety, too, emerged as a significant concern, with 22.5pc flagging it as a crucial issue...
