Customs Commission Clamps Down on Car Imports

Aug 21 , 2023

Importing vehicles under the guise of returning diaspora or Franco Valuta with extended letters of credit is prohibited, as a letter from Customs Commission Commissioner Debele Kebeta was sent out last week. The letter suggests that car importers have been exploiting the loopholes to bring vehicles into the country despite a restriction on their import imposed by the Ministry of Finance to contain the forex squeeze 10 months ago. The Ministry had prohibited the allotment of foreign exchange for an indefinite amount of time to a list of 38 items that included chocolate, cigarettes, carpets and vehicles. Despite the customs commission restricting the inflow of the stated items into the country, the new letter reads that vehicles are coming into the country at mass through gaps in implementation. While the initial decision by the Ministry of Finance was prompted amidst reports that the country had enough forex reserves to facilitate two weeks of imports, declining exports and a vast budget deficit have not resolved the issue quite yet. A decision last week by the central bank to decrease forex surrender requirements for exporters to 60pc has been indicated by certain economists as holding the promise of boosting exports next year.


Exchange Ponders Adding Salt to its Floor

The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) is considering adding salt to its list as the 24th tradable commodity. Executives are currently conducting feasibility studies and preparing sales contracts. Last week, Ali Muhammed, deputy administrator of the Afar Regional State, and Ali Behani, Head of the Regional Mining Bureau, visited the ECX headquarters in the Mexico area. They said regional salt miners and processors are not adequately compensated for their production, with hopes that the EC...


Public Service Sector Receives Data Privacy Training

Staff members from the National Bank of Ethiopia, the Ministry of Trade & Regional Integration and the Ministry of Revenues received a three-day training on data privacy and protection over the past week. The training aimed to equip participants with the skills of proper data breach notification procedures, minimising risk of exposure, and secure data transfer practices to safeguard personal data during transmission. It was given by the Business Environment and Investment Climate (BEI...


Unleashing Millions for Micro-Entrepreneurs with Digital Loans

A 100 million-dollar program to scale up six financial institutions to facilitate digital non-collateral loans to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) was launched last week. Drawing experience from the first digital non-collateral lending platform dubbed Michu powered by Cooperative Bank of Oromia (COOP), the program coupled with Amhara, Bunna, Enat, Wegagen and ZamZam banks. Last year, Coop dispersed 946 million Br loans to farmers through cooperative unions and MSMEs, reaching m...
