Mar 27 , 2021
A one-million-dollar project to improve water access and sanitation at a camp for internally-displaced persons in Somali Regional State has been launched. Jointly supported by the Japanese Embassy and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), the project serves displaced people in Qoloji, about 60Km from Jigjiga, the seat of the Regional State. The camp shelters almost 80,000 people in need, and the Regional State hosts the highest concentration of IDPs in the country at more than 850,000. The funding is apportioned to construct several new boreholes, reservoirs and water points to improve the camp's water supply, which currently only covers just over a third of the demand. The project will also include the construction of 10 communal latrines and hygiene education to combat the spread of disease and provide better sanitary conditions, according to a statement the organisations issued last week.